All light has an effect on the cells of the human body. The Low Intensity Laser produces a beam of light that has a specific wavelength and frequency. Different results can be achieved by using different wavelengths.
When the light of the Laser is applied to the target area, this energy is converted to chemical energy within each cell, which sets in motion the healing process. There is an increased production of collagen improving skin elasticity, an increase in fibroblast cell activity which builds the connective tissue and a reduction in most types of inflammation. There is an increase in bloody supply to the damaged cells, an increase in tissue repair and a reduction in swelling and pain.
Many clinical studies have shown good success rates in reducing or eliminating pain. See for a selection of research papers and findings.
Best results are achieved over several appointments, spaced closely together. While some patients get immediate results, others may require several treatments before changes become apparent.
When the light of the Laser is applied to the target area, this energy is converted to chemical energy within each cell, which sets in motion the healing process. There is an increased production of collagen improving skin elasticity, an increase in fibroblast cell activity which builds the connective tissue and a reduction in most types of inflammation. There is an increase in bloody supply to the damaged cells, an increase in tissue repair and a reduction in swelling and pain.
Many clinical studies have shown good success rates in reducing or eliminating pain. See for a selection of research papers and findings.
Best results are achieved over several appointments, spaced closely together. While some patients get immediate results, others may require several treatments before changes become apparent.