Tissue Salt Therapy, Cell Salt Therapy or Biochemic Therapy, is an evidence based science based on the belief that every illness is caused by an imbalance of minerals in the body.
Today Biochemic Therapy is used to provide the body with the deficient mineral/s in a potentiated form and therefore assists the body to restore its balance (homeostasis). Minerals are essential to thousands of individual biochemical functions. Not all diseases can be cured this way, but the mineral salts may have an alleviating effect.
Amazing results can be achieved for many animal ailments, such as stiff muscles, improving elasticity/injury of ligaments and tendons, improving circulation, digestive issues, nervousness, inflammation (see the Story of Jess) and toxin elimination.
They are a proven, easy and very effective treatment for animals. They have little taste and are administered dissolved in water in the mouth.